Biochar, reducing climate change one application at a time.
Biochar is a valuable tool in tackling climate change.
Our biochar is the by-product of other industrial processes, and it can be used in many applications including agriculture, water filtration, wastewater filtration and construction materials.
The Future is Fire
Made from the pyrolysis of woody biomass, biochar is classified as a “carbon negative” greenhouse gas remediation technology that can avoid atmospheric CO2 emissions and provide a carbon storage mechanism.
Anconaco's mission is to connect local producers of biochar with potential users of the material, whether it be a hobby farm or a multi-national company.
Invest in sustainability. Invest in biochar.
Our biochars are sourced from all over the southern United States. We match them with applications based on customers' project-specific specifications and geographic proximity.
Biochar comes in a range of sizes and properties so please contact us if you would like more information about our biochar products.
A new carbon credits market is evolving, driven largely by environmental rights trading, a rapidly growing area in the fight for our planet. For more information about this booming market and the opportunities for biochar -- the solution for a cleaner planet -- please contact us.
Start your search – contact us.